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学术百科网 2023-02-16 08:40:21


I have graduated

I have graduated


英文: I graduated


国内学校信息= National schools information
1, 我毕业了 = I graduated
2, 计算机网络 = computer network
3, 大专毕业 = college graduates,
4, 美国是个发达国家,去美国学国际贸易,将来回中国做生意,提高我的英语水平 = U.S.A. is a developed country, to study International Trade in the U.S., I will return to China to do business, to improve my English level
5, 主要学习让计算机能够通过网络互相通讯 = to learn how the computer can communicate with each other through the network
6,是 = yes 7,有毕业证书 = I have the graduation certificate
8, 有成绩单 = I have thetranscript
9,是我的成绩单原件 = it’s the original of the transcript
10, 学会了很多计算机网络的相关知识 = learned a lot of knowledge about computer network.
11,网络拓扑结构,TCP/IP协议,LINUX系统 = network topology, TCP / IP protocol, LINUX system.
12,有很多证书 = there are many certificates.
13,没有雅思,托福成绩开放性问题 = there is no IELTS, TOEFL score, open-ended questions.
1,我将要在美国佛罗里达州拉钩城市的辛德勒大学学习国际贸易专业 = I'm going to study international trade in the Schindler University of Florida.
2, 美国是个发达国家,我想去美国学国际贸易,将来回中国做生意,提高我的英语水平 = U.S.A. is a developed country, I want to study international trade there and I will return to China to do business, raise my English level.
3, 1年半 = one and a half year.
4,毕业回国做生意 = I will return to my country to do business after graduation.
5,我想去美国佛罗里达州拉钩城市的辛德勒大学学习国际专业 = I want to study international trade in the Schindler University of Florida in the United States.
6,十天 = ten days.
7,没有,我想要利用所有时间把英语学好 = no, I want to use all the time to learn English,
8,我没有打算在美国工作,毕业后我要回国做生意 = I do not intend to work in the U.S., I want to return to do business in my own country after graduation.
9,美国是个发达国家,我想去美国学国际贸易,将来回中国做生意,提高我的英语水平美国学校信息 = U.S.A. is a developed country, I want to study international trade in the United States. I will return to do business in China, to improve my English from the American school information .
1, 辛德勒大学位于佛罗里达州的LARGO市 = Schindler University of LARGO,city in Florida.
2, 留学 = to study
3, 朋友推荐 = recommended by my friend.
4, 佛罗里达州是旅游城市被成为阳光州,世界著名的迪斯尼乐园就在那里,美国航天发射中心所在地 = Florida is a tourist city known as Sunshine State, the world famous Disneyland is out there, and the U.S. space launch center is also located there.
5, 国际贸易 = international trade.
6, 进出口贸易 = import and export trade.
7, 为了毕业后回国做生意 = in order to return to do business after graduation.
8, 不同国家(和/或地区)之间的商品和劳务的交换活动 = the exchange of goods and services activities among different countries (and / or region).
9, 认真学习,多接触来自不同地方的同学 = study seriously and have more contacts with students from different parts of the world.
10, 20 = twenty.
11,没申请过其他学校 = I have not applied in any other school.
12,11月24日开学,我11月20日去 = the new term will start on 24th of November, I will fly there on 20th of November.
13, 毕业后回国从事贸易生意 = I will be engaged in trading business after graduation and back home.
14,我将在美国学习48个月 = I will study for 48 months in the United States.
15, 住在学校的学生宿舍 = I will live in the school’s dormitory.
1。我父母为我付学费 = My parents pay for my tuition fees.
2。我父母供我在美国上学 = My parents support me for my study in the United States.
3。有银行存款证明 = I have a bank deposit certificate.


I graduated, in May 2017 officially graduated from Shenzhen Xiasha Guangdong restaurant University


